from numpy import random;
from pyCreeper import crGraphs;
from pyCreeper import crGraphStyle;
crGraphs.BASE_FILE_PATH = "../../exampleOutput/";
[docs]def example(saveFiles_):
In this example, plot images for a broken line plot are created:
:param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed
data = [
[10, 12, 25, 32, 25, 57, 44, 54, 62, 60, 44, 35, 51, 62, 84, 280, 305, 312, 309, 323],
data = [ [ list(random.standard_normal(10)*2*j + data[i][j]) for j in range(len(data[i])) ] for i in range(len(data))];
filePathStandardPlot = "";
filePathBottomPlot = "";
filePathTopPlot = "";
if (saveFiles_):
filePathStandardPlot = "brokenLinePlot_standard.png"
filePathBottomPlot = "brokenLinePlot_bottom.png";
filePathTopPlot = "brokenLinePlot_top.png"
#-- get plot parameters for the zoomed in and zoomed out plots
yMinStandardPlot = 0; # y min of a plot that would normally be drawn for all data
yMaxStandardPlot = 400; # y max of a plot that would normally be drawn for all data
brokenLineYCoordinate = 100; # y value at which broken line will be drawn. This value separates the two "zoomedIn" and "zoomedOut" plots
brokenLineHeightPercentage = 50; # percentage of the plot height at which the broken line will be drawn
yMinBottomPlot, yMaxBottomPlot, yMinTopPlot, yMaxTopPlot = crGraphs.getBrokenLinePlotParameters(yMinStandardPlot, brokenLineYCoordinate, yMaxStandardPlot, brokenLineHeightPercentage);
style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle();
style.lineWidth = 2;
#-- create the two plots as two separate files, using the y-axis parameters from above
xTickLabels = [(g+1) for g in range(len(data[0]))];
crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinBottomPlot, yMax_=yMaxBottomPlot,
yTicksStep_=20, showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathBottomPlot);
crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinTopPlot, yMax_=yMaxTopPlot,
showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathTopPlot);
#-- also create a standard plot for demonstration:
crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinStandardPlot, yMax_=yMaxStandardPlot,
showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathStandardPlot);
if __name__ == "__main__":
saveFiles = True;