
pyCreeper 2.1

Welcome! pyCreeper is a python library that lets you create pretty graphs in python with one-line function calls.

The main purpose of pyCreeper is to wrap tens of lines of python code, required to produce graphs that look good for a publication, into functions. It takes away your need to understand various quirks of matplotlib and gives you back ready-to-use and well-documented code.


You can also download or clone pyCreeper from GitHub: https://github.com/Elendurwen/pyCreeper

Installing pyCreeper is very easy and mostly simply means extracting the zip file and putting the contents into a location of your choice. Have a look at the Readme file on GitHub to find out what dependencies you need and how to include pyCreeper in your project.

Using pyCreeper? Let me know and I will feature your project here!

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Developed by Lenka Pitonakova [email twitter linkedIn] mostly as a part of the project Designing Robot Swarms

Related to this library is Creeper, a Java framework for coding multi-agent simulations.

Indices and tables