
You can also download or clone pyCreeper from GitHub: https://github.com/Elendurwen/pyCreeper

Installing pyCreeper is very easy and mostly simply means extracting the zip file and putting the contents into a location of your choice. Have a look at the Readme file on GitHub to find out what dependencies you need and how to include pyCreeper in your project.

Using pyCreeper? Let me know and I will feature your project here!

Version history

2.1 (NEW!)

  • New plot type: Bar plot (see Bar plot examples)
  • Bar and line plot legends can have optional titles (see examples.barPlots.example2_errorBars())
  • Box plot width can now be specified using the pyCreeper.crGraphStyle.boxPlotWidth() property
  • Plot legends are semi-transparent to allow seeing data points underneath
  • Better automatic detection of which x-axis tick to show
  • Plot range and size bug fixes

