Source code for examples.barPlots

from numpy import random;
from pyCreeper import crGraphs;
from pyCreeper import crGraphStyle;
crGraphs.BASE_FILE_PATH = "../../exampleOutput/";

[docs]def example1_simple(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a simple bar plot is created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/barPlot_simple.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [ [10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70] ]; months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"]; filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "barPlot_simple.png"; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.NONE; crGraphs.setStyle(style); crGraphs.createBarPlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=100, filePath_=filePath);
[docs]def example2_errorBars(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a multi-bar plot with error bars is created. A legend with a title and horizontal-only grid is shown: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/barPlot_errorBars.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [ [9, 20, 30, 20, 35, 55, 40, 20, 30], [1, 5, 10, 12, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40], [10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70] ]; #-- change each data point above to become a list with a normal distribution instead, with median of profitData[i][j] profitData = [ [ list(random.standard_normal(3)*5 + profitData[i][j]) for j in range(len(profitData[i])) ] for i in range(len(profitData))]; legendLabels = ['Customer sales', 'Stocks', 'Total profit']; months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"]; filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "barPlot_errorBars.png"; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.markers = ['o','o','s']; style.colors = ['g','c','r']; style.numOfLegendColumns = 3; style.legendPosition = crGraphStyle.LEGEND_POSITION.UPPER_LEFT; style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.HORIZONTAL; crGraphs.setStyle(style); crGraphs.createBarPlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=-20, yMax_=120, legendTitle_="Profit types:", legendLabels_=legendLabels, showConfidenceIntervals_=True, filePath_=filePath);
if __name__ == "__main__": saveFiles = False; example1_simple(saveFiles); example2_errorBars(saveFiles);