Source code for examples.pieCharts

from pyCreeper import crGraphs;
from pyCreeper import crGraphStyle;

crGraphs.BASE_FILE_PATH = "../../exampleOutput/";

[docs]def example1_simple(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a simple pie chart is created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/pieChart_simple.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ expenseCategories = ["Rent", "Food", "Travel", "Fun"]; expenses = [1000, 300, 500, 250]; filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "pieChart_simple.png"; crGraphs.createPieChart(expenses, expenseCategories,filePath_=filePath);
[docs]def example2_colors(saveFiles_): """ In this example, the title, colors and font sizes are specified. Percentage values and actual values are also shown: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/pieChart_colors.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ expenseCategories = ["Rent", "Food", "Travel", "Fun"]; expenses = [1000, 300, 500, 250]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.colors = ['yellow','cyan','grey','white']; crGraphs.setStyle(style); filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "pieChart_colors.png"; crGraphs.createPieChart(expenses, expenseCategories, "Colors example", showPercentageVals_=True, showShadow_=True, filePath_=filePath);
[docs]def example3_multiFigure(saveFiles_): """ In this example, two figures are created below each other and saved into a single file: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/pieChart_large.png :scale: 100% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ #-- create 1st figure. Make it portait size and use the holdFigure_=True argument to specify that the figure should not be displayed yet expenseCategories = ["Rent", "Food", "Travel", "Fun"]; expenses = [1000, 300, 500, 250]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.figureSize = (14,6); crGraphs.setStyle(style); figure1 = crGraphs.createPieChart(expenses, expenseCategories, "Expenses", subPlot_=121, renderFigure_=False); #-- create 2nd figure into the figure1 saved previously. Specify the file path to save into. countries = ["Germany", "USA", "Canada"]; numOfCountryVisits = [10, 3, 7]; filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "pieChart_large.png"; crGraphs.createPieChart(numOfCountryVisits, countries, showPercentageVals_=True, showActualVals_=False, subPlot_=122,figure_=figure1, filePath_=filePath);
if __name__ == "__main__": saveFiles = True; example1_simple(saveFiles); example2_colors(saveFiles); example3_multiFigure(saveFiles);