Source code for examples.matrixPlots

from pyCreeper import crGraphs;
from pyCreeper import crGraphStyle;

from matplotlib import pyplot;

crGraphs.BASE_FILE_PATH = "../../exampleOutput/";

[docs]def example1_simple(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a simple matrix plot created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/matrixPlot_simple.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ performanceData = [ [12,11,10,9], [11,10,7,6], [9,8,6,5], ] filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "matrixPlot_simple.png"; crGraphs.createMatrixPlot(performanceData, "Cost of fuel for drivers", colorBarLabel_="Fuel cost", xLabel_="Driver skill", yLabel_="Engine efficiency", filePath_=filePath)
[docs]def example2_customAnnotationsAndColorMap(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a matrix plot with custom annotations and color map is created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/matrixPlot_fullAnnotations.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ performanceData = [ [12,11,10,9], [11,10,7,6], [9,8,6,5], ] annotations = [ ['poor','poor','good','good'], ['poor','poor', 'good', 'excellent'], ['good', 'good','excellent','excellent'] ]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.figureSize = (16,8); style.colorMap ="Oranges"); crGraphs.setStyle(style); filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "matrixPlot_fullAnnotations.png"; crGraphs.createMatrixPlot(performanceData, "Cost of fuel for drivers", colorBarLabel_="Fuel cost", xLabel_="Driver skill", xTickLabels_=["Terrible","Quite bad","Satisfactory","Good"], yLabel_="Engine efficiency", yTickLabels_=["Inefficient","OK","Efficient"], annotateValues_=True, annotationValues_=annotations, annotationStringAfter_= "\ncost\nefficiency", filePath_=filePath)
if __name__ == "__main__": saveFiles = True; example1_simple(saveFiles); example2_customAnnotationsAndColorMap(saveFiles);